Monday, October 23, 2006


We did it. We managed to get up and drag our sorry asses to Changi in time, well, almost in time. We were so close to having our names called out on the passanger manifest! And there was that hot girl sitting across the aisle from me and I swear I know her from somewhere. But how lame would a line like "excuse me, do I know you from somewhere" be? :)

Anyway, it's great to come home to almost no haze, $3 cigarettes and escalators that move at a normal speed. Brunei's a chicken coup, but it's MY chicken coup! Nowhere else do I feel like this after a trip other than Singapore. There's something about that place I don't quite like, I can't put my finger on it.

But one other good thing about the trip is I managed to jam with two jazz greats. I've never felt so inadequate in my life! So to Aaron and Dave, if you're reading this, thanks guys! You made my day :)

Lizzie, I am NOT feeling better. That's jazzmoney-speak for I'd like your messenger *grins*


At 12:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wassup little boy!

You were hardly inadequate, my man. i'd say you were one of the better guitar players and jazz vocalists that's come my way ever since I have been in this part of the world. Just keep practising and just those notes comin'!

Practise hard and take care of that pick will ya?

Where were you on Saturday night, huh?

Peace out,


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